Reality Check
Network Marketing is a BUSINESS!
So you wanna start a business?
To open a McDonald's franchise requires a total investment of 1-2.2 million dollars, with liquid capital available of 750,000 dollars. The franchise fee is 45,000 dollars....
Ace Hardware Franchise. New owners can expect to pay a 5,000 dollar franchise fee for the rights to open their own location, but it costs anywhere from a total of 272,500 to 1,574,230 dollars to open an Ace Hardware franchise
General Surgeon - 4 years college, 4 Years Medical School (300,000 dollars), 1 Year Internship, 5 Years Residency (paid 20,000 dollars per year stipend), then pay 60,000+ dollars per year malpractice insurance, 10 years student loans
These are all REAL BUSINESSES.
None of these businesses will SHOW a PROFIT for 3-5 years.
The owners are ALL IN DEBT.
The owners work 60 to 90 hours per week
Their net take-home pay is probably less than YOURS
If YOU are not prepared to make a SACRIFICE for your business, QUIT NOW. IT'S A HOBBY.
On the other hand, you can start to build a comfortable income with this:
- Big Dogs - Network Marketing - 7 dollars to get started with Big Dogs Secrets ebook. Your investment - what you can afford up to 500 dollars per month
If you are willing to do what it takes to succeed, join me. I am Running with the Big Dogs.
Buy the book.
Rich Moyer